About Atena

Atena has received some recognition and awards through her psychic work that has led to many interesting experiences in the past 18 plus years. She uses this experience to help her clients through life's circumstances with her unique Aura photography readings. She connects with her higher self, spirit guides and elementals of the earth who help us to live in harmony with ourselves and each-other, giving you an insight to achieving this harmony within your own life. 

She can connect with you anywhere in the world, though her aura photo readings are only available in person due to the use of the actual photographing equipment. In spirit, physical space and distance does not exist. Intentions manifest at the speed of thought and she uses this lack of physical obstacles in her psychic readings and spiritual work every day.

Atena has been a psychic all her life but started practicing professionally in 2003. She is an Ordained Minister, Certified Reiki Practitioner, also practices Rising Star Energy and works in various methods of spiritual practices. She is also an accomplished Paranormal researcher that gives her a unique and down to earth approach to the spiritual.

Feel free to request a reading by text or contact me with any questions prior to your reading. 

Send a text or call Atena at 828-246-5536

Appointments may be necessary for full readings over the telephone. No appointment is needed for readings via text or e-mail.

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